
Getting the garden ready

Each Spring Joey and I go to his mother's house and help her get her vegetable garden ready. Yesterday we helped her dump manure on the garden area and then Joey tilled it in to soften the dirt. Good thing it was windy and the smell was out of our noses quickly!


Sunday Dinner at the In-Laws

Each Sunday Joey and I go to his mother's house and have dinner. We take turns making the main dish and then everyone else brings the side dishes. We enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers since it was such good weather. Once we were all done eating, it was time for play with the nephews and nieces.


Friday Date Night

Joey's work schedule has been changed from 1:00 pm-9:30 pm to 5:00 am-1:30 pm. With this new change, we have been able to spend our evenings together because I get off work at 4:00 pm., this past Friday we were able to have a Friday date night, which we haven't had for a very long time. We went out to eat, went bowling, and then rented, "Yes, Man" and went back to our house to watch it. It was such a fun night!
Here are some pictures of us bowling.


Easter Weekend

We went to see Nicole's family over Easter weekend and she was able to see her brother, Jeremy, who she hasn't seen in about 6 years. Nicole loved hanging out with her sisters and being goofy with them.
Joey pulled out his golf club and golf balls and we each took a turn at hitting the balls far, while Daisy tried to run after and catch the balls.