I decided that to remember all that I have and am blessed with, I will write a list of things I am grateful for.

1. Life. I am glad to be on Earth at this time and to have the family and friend relationships I've created.

2. Joey-he is the love of my life and has been such a support to me and helps cheer me up when I need it.
3. Joey sending me flowers just because. Yesterday at work he came in when I had stepped out of the room and put a boquet of flowers on my desk with a note saying how I have always been there for him. It made me blush, but I loved it.

4. My job. I am blessed everyday to work with children, especially those who have mild-moderate learning disabilities. My job as a special education teacher has been tough at times, but well worth it to see the smile on each kids face.
5. I am glad for the amount of time I have off from work, with summer break, holidays, spring break, and being able to enjoy that time off with Joey, his family, and my family members.
6. Joey's job. He has been dedicated and worked very hard to get to where he is at work. He been there for 8 years and it has been a blessing to us.
7. Extended family close by. Joey's family lives here in town and my family is only an hour away. I can go to them for help, advise, friendship, and support. They are all so wonderful!
8. Owning our own home. With the economy how it is, we were both afraid that we may lose our jobs and maybe even our home, but we are lucky enough to have a beautiful place to come home to and make memories in.
9. The spring weather. We have had little spurts here and their of nice weather and I've enjoyed going outside to be in it. Spring brings out the flowers, birds singing, green grass, and leaves on trees. I like to just sit outside and enjoy the sounds and scenery. This time of year is so beautiful outside.
10. Adoption. We have learned so much about this subject since being starting all the paperwork 2 1/2 years ago. We've made many friends that we wouldn't have made otherwise. This category includes being thankful for everyone involved: birthparents, birthgrandparents, children who are adopted, adopted couples, case workers, and LDS Family Services.
11. Cooking and baking. My mom taught me how to cook as I was growing up. I've been able to increase this talent by going outside the box and trying new recipes and techniques that I hadn't known about. I enjoy being able to cook dinners/desserts/treats for Joey and I and see his reaction (sometimes good and sometimes something I'd never try again). I have burned many dishes and many times have Joey and I laughed over it and then go out to get something to eat.
12. My education. This included my gusto to get a college degree (and finish it once I got married), learning so much more about the LDS Church, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, and enjoying reading books on health/nutrition, relationships, family, and of course fiction books that helps me relax and take a break.