Oct. 3, 2011
We got to go to court and finalize the adoption. All our paperwork is in and complete. Our lawyer asked us questions such as, "What is your birthday?" "Are you at least 10 yrs older than this child?" "When were you married?" "Do you plan on staying married?" "Do you love your husband/wife?" "Is anyone forcing you to make this choice?" "Do you understand that once this adoption is finalized, Quinn will be yours, as if he were born to you?"
We were asked many questions, but yet, it was all so fast (only 15 min.). The court hearing was closed, meaning that only Joey and I, our lawyer, Justin Wayment, our case worker, Jared Reese, and the judge were in the room(minus the bailiff and recorder).
When we were all done, we went out to breakfast to celebrate. The feeling was so great after it was all done. We definitely did not have much stress at all with this adoption(just the paperwork through LDS Social Services), but once we were done with court, it felt like our family is for sure and won't be broken up.