Christmas morning Joey and I were up at 6:00 AM. We were planning on going to Joey's family's for the day and visiting with them, but knew that 6 am was too early to head on over-plus, the kids were still sleeping. We let the kids sleep until 7:00 am and then we excitedly went and woke them up to tell them that Santa came. I waiting downstairs with the video camera, while Joey woke them up and walked downstairs with them. Kaylee was really excited to see the gifts under the tree, and Daemeon just wanted to know what they were for, since he doesn't fully understand the concept of Santa.
We had Kaylee and Daemeon open up one gift and the same time, show each other and show us, then they could open another gift. Kaylee wanted to keep opening more and more and Daemeon wanted to play with his toy once he had opened it.
Kaylee trying to figure out what Fazoodles are. She loves playing with this crafty kit she got.
Daemeon excited to open a gift.
Each of them opening a gift. I think this was their first gifts that they each opened.
Daemeon got Chuck the Tonka truck. He talks and moves around trying to dump things out of his truck. Daemeon loved this truck.
Opening their gifts from great grandma.

Sorry for the crooked picture. They're looking at their bears from great grandma.

I opened the gift Kaylee made for me and Joey. It is an ornament with a picture of her on it. We love this and will cherish it always.
Sorry for the crooked picture. They're looking at their bears from great grandma.
I opened the gift Kaylee made for me and Joey. It is an ornament with a picture of her on it. We love this and will cherish it always.
Joey got his Red Rider BB gun! He kept asking for it everytime we went into Walmart because it's the same gun from The Christmas Story(one of Joey's favorite Christmas movies) and he just had to have it. I surprised him and had it hidden until Christmas morning. I pulled it out and he said, "What? What do you have? I thought we were done opening presents?" or something to that effect. He was super excited, and of course, took it to his mom's house to play with when we went later that day.