I don't know if you've ever heard of crawdads, but I know that I didn't hear about them or see them until our camping trip this past September with Joey's family. The boys(Joey's brother and friend) found some crawdads in the lake, caught them and boiled them up with dinner that night. I must say that was interesting to see, but it didn't taste much different than crab, except smaller pieces and it had a little "lake" taste to it.
Joey knew of an area that was overloaded with crawdads and wanted to go fishing for some so he could have some good eating. We all went out together to help him fish(you reach in and grab them with your hands) for the crawdads, more or less, we would follow him down the bank of the river, wait for him to catch the crawdads, he'd throw them to us and we'd put them in the bucket of water. :)
Kaylee mentioned that she was having a lot of fun multiple times and that we should do this more often. I didn't think it would be such a favorite activity, but maybe we'll have to come out to the river every now and then and enjoy it all.

Joey has his big wader boots on so his pants don't get wet.
Daemeon and Kaylee waiting around.

We got some!

Daisy wanted in on some of the fun. Can you tell how muddy her paw is?

Having a good time.

Look how many we have!

Kaylee holding the claw that fell off of one of the crawdads once Joey threw it to me.

Deeper into the water.

Joey holding Daemeon and letting him reach into the water to feel how cold it is.

Joey caught it and Daemeon got to hold it and put it in the bucket. Daemeon was so happy and proud of himself.

Kaylee playing in the water. Right around this area of the river, it was really muddy. Kaylee had stepped over about 2 feet from where she is in this picture and literally got stuck in the mud. I laughed because I had not seen that happen for a very long time. The laughter helped Kaylee ease up on being scared and she realized that she could work her way out of the mud without losing her shoe(she just had to take the shoe off, step to the side while holding onto me, and grab the shoe out of the mud).