My sister Celeste, brother Matthew, and I (Nicole) talk a nice four wheeler drive and then hike over and up to a cave that I have never been to, about 10 miles from my parents house. When Celeste told me there was a cave 10 miles away that I could go to and explore, I got excited.
Celeste and Matthew at the opening of the cave.

Here I am!

Okay-so the cave isn't very deep, but still, it's pretty neat to walk under a big, huge, ginormous rock and be protected from the outside weather.

Even though the cave isn't very deep, it goes up high and is dark. I couldn't see what was up high, so I turned on the flash on my camera and took pictures to "see" what was up high. This picture is no zoom and almost straight up from me standing.

This is a very zoomed in picture of the middle part of the above picture. I wanted to get a closer look to see what this stuff was, and this is what it looks like. I think it might be stilagmite or stilagtite, not quite sure.
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